't Hommelhof

In the course of the years numerous styles were followed, ranging from nouvelle cuisine to fusion kitchen and molecular hocus pocus, but… 't Hommelhof stuck to regional and seasonal gastronomy with a frivolity now and then in order to keep it lively. And see, the "terroir" flag is once again hoisted in Kitchen World and newcomers swear by recognizable local products. It is okay to use Forgotten vegetables, Misunderstood delicacies and Undervalued ingredients again, in fact they have to be used! The method of preparation underwent a small facelift, but apart from that everything stays the way it was. The only difference is that at 't Hommelhof the fine brew with its unlimited variations took up a place of honour in the dishes and next to them rather quickly. The customers immediately came round and today 't Hommelhof is widely known for its dishes based on heavenly brewages. But quality without a soul is not a solid recipe for success. With an indomitable hospitality 't Hommelhof offers a gastronomic experience to those who in the first place want to enjoy the peace and quiet in style.

